How to fill Computer Form Sheet

  1. Definite marks are necessary: - Good marks are the best solution for any OMRacceptance. Marked bubbled must be well darkened by appropriate means such as HBpencil/Pen. For solving this issue X Mark able to read very lighten marked bubble asper set intensity level but this will good that bubbles are well darkened for better result.
  2.  Darken one bubble for one answer for single choice questions and darkened multiplebubbles for multiple choice questions. Also doing all this first carefully read instructions of Question paper.
  3. Enter your name, roll no, registration no which ever applicable clearly and correctlyand fill appropriate bubbles with respect to entered text in box.
  4. If you want to change an answer, erase the original mark entirely and then fillalternative bubble.
  5. If bubbles to be filled by pen then erasing can not be possible, so it needs extra care forfilling bubbles.
  6. Use good quality (HB/B2) pencil or as per given instructions.
  7. Have a Sharpener for sharpen HB pencil.
  8. Have a good quality and clean eraser if bubbles are filled by HB pencil.
