What is OMR technology?
Short for optical mark recognition, the technology of
electronically extracting intended data from marked fields, such as checkboxes
and fill-infields, on printed forms. OMR technology scans a printed form and
reads redefined positions and records
where marks are made on the form. This technology is useful for applications in
which large numbers of hand-filled forms need to be processed quickly and with
great accuracy, such as surveys, reply cards, questionnaires and ballots.
A common OMR applicationis the use of "bubble sheets"
for multiple-choice tests used by schools. The student indicates the answer on
the test by filling in the corresponding bubble, and the form is fed through an
optical mark reader (also abbreviated as OMR,
a device that scans the document and reads the data from the marked fields. The
error rate for OMRtechnology is
less than 1%
The OMR Sheet of the Entrance Test shall
belong with the Test Booklet. The instructions for filling it up will be as
1. Use
black or blue ball pen for marking the box. For filling the circle, use a black
or blue ball pen or an HB pencil.
2. Write your Entrance Test Roll Number, Name and
Question Booklet Serial No. in the appropriate boxes provided in the OMRAnswer Sheet.Take care that the characters do not touch
the boundary of the boxes.
3. No answer should be written on the Question
4. Blank
pages in the Booklet may be used for rough work.
5. The use
of calculator and mobile is not allowed inside the Examination Hall.
6. The
Question Booklet and the OMR Sheet must be handed over to the
Invigorator before leaving the Examination Hall. No page should be torn off the
Violation of any of these instructions or use of unfair means
will entail cancellation of the whole Admission Test of the
There will be no rechecking / re-evaluation of the OMR Sheets.
No request in this regard shall be entertained.
. Do not write anything on the Question Booklet and OMR Sheet
except marking the answer in the corresponding Circle. Any writing or
identification mark on the Question Booklet and OMRSheet will disqualify the
How to fill OMR Sheets - OMR Answer Sheets - OMR Forms ?
OMR Sheets also
known as bubble sheets have circles or elliptical bubbles or boxes as response
areas. Mark your response only in the space provided for the purpose. Response
marked elsewhere will not be considered.
The circles/boxes on the OMR Sheet should be filled with due care.
Avoid partial filling or spilling out.
Completely darken the respective circle for your response.
First fill the circles/boxes in the OMR sheet
completely and then darken the filled circles/boxes.
OMR sheet has to
be filled using Blue/Black Pen or HB pencil.
Please fill the appropriate OMR circles with due care. Avoid
over-writing on OMR Sheet.
You may change a mark by completely erasing the wrongly filled
The erasure should be complete and without any smudges as
partially erased mark may lead to wrong reading by the highly sensitive OMR Software.
All OMR sheet have index points that are
crucial to their functioning. Do not mark anything on or near Index Points or
Timing Track of OMR sheet.
Any change in Timing Track and OMR sheet identification block will lead
to rejection of the OMR sheet and no result will be generated
for such OMR sheets.
Mark multiple bubbles
only in case of MCQs or multiple choice questions. If you
mark more than one circle in a single choice question the answer will be
considered as being wrong.
There are ‘DO NOT WRITE’ areas demarcated on any OMRSheet. Please do not write or mark
on OMR Sheet outside the demarcated areas.
Do not make any stray
marks on the OMR Sheet.
Do not tick or overfill
the OMR circles.
Do not use whitener or
blade to hide marks on OMR Sheet.
Do not pin or staple
anything with the OMR Sheet.
OMR Sheet should not be punched or tied.
The OMR Sheet/OMR Form should not be folded.